Two More Games To Help Your Child With Her First Words

Welcome  to two more games to Help Your Child Talk and Grow Smarter: this week's extract from the SpeechContacts Kindle and your chance to learn more about the way your child learns to talk. 

Here are two more easy activities for you to enjoy with your toddler, designed to encourage him to use his new words.

Teddy's bath time
Coolect together Teddy, a toy/baby bath or washing-up bowl, plus pretend soap, sponge, towel, toothbrush and toothpaste. 
Geddy a pretend bath, naming each part of his body. Say “wash Teddy's nose”, “wash Teddy's mouth”, “wash Teddy's ears”, and carry out the action, with your child joining in.

Then try “dry Teddy's nose”, “dry Teddy's mouth”, “dry Teddy's ears”. As the game continues, leave a longer and longer gap before the name of the body part. Say “wash Teddy's ...” and see if your child will fill in the next word.  If not, just say the word yourself.

In the bag
Make a simple cloth bag if you can sew, or ask a grandparent to make one for you: they'll be thrilled to help. Avoid using plastic bags, because of the danger of suffocation.  

Put a few toys in the bag, and then sit facing your child with the bag in your hand.  Say, “What's in the bag today?” and pull out the first toy, showing great excitiment,  naming it and giving it to your child.

Continue until all the toys are out, then help him to put them back in one at a time, saying to him, “in the bag,” “car in the bag,” “dolly in the bag,” and so on.

Let him join in with you, but don’t worry if he doesn’t say the words himself at first. 

He soon will.

If you want to read the rest of this Kindle book, download How To Help Your Child Talk and Grow Smarter in seconds for only £3.53 ($5.73)

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